We’ve added a few more pages to our archives. You can now check out the last 30 updates by clicking the “archives” link in the top menu or access specific pages through the links located below the “Hall of Fame” section on the main page.

Added pages:
Archives 5
Archives 6
Archives 7

We are starting to plan the next Brdteengal.com and we would like you, our users, to come up with ideas to make the site the best it can be. We already have a few ideas (see below) but, in your opinion, what would make Brdteengal.com the absolute best? It could be anything, new features, new look, new categories, new sections, etc. We would also like you to comment on the following ideas.

Favorites folder
Updated design
Bigger thumbnails
Report galleries button

Thanks for your continued support over the years.

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